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KL Trip
Wednesday, November 25, 2009 at 11:59 PM

Aloha ^o^..

Recently sat KL now..
muahahahaha..using my sis comp^^
luckily got comp..if not sure bored like hell at night..
well..tomoro going back ad..sigh..so fast rite???
Oh yea, leadership camp is cancelled..
So, got nothing to do during holidays...
Did u hear guys??? HANGOUTS!
I need HANGOUTS so badly..
VERY kinda miss you guys!!!!

First Day

Well, din go anywhere..
went to kl[jonker street] for dinner
the jonker street dere not nice de..so squeezy..
&& alot of those malay dere[u noe wad i mean rite?]
eeee...hate those fella...so damn pervert man..

Second Day

Woke up around 9.45 or 10++...XD[not sure]
copy cat larh u...XD..watever..
get prepare..off to my cousin's car
set on to Time Square..
took our lunch at Food & Tea..
ER...the food dere was OK only..
 ordered chicken chop with cheese sauce spaghetti..
the taste kinda weird tho..but i like the
mushroom soup...hee^o^
Then, went shopping lorh...hee
walk here and dere..auww leg arching..
well, sure larh got ss..but not gonna upload now..
maybe after i go back Melaka..[maybe only..or tmr]
depends on my mood and the internet here..lol

WOOT!! have our dinner at one korean restaurant..
muaahahaha....damn nice!!! but too bad i not so
noe how to eat..so ate very little only...hee..
wad to do...so sleepy lerh...dun noe why..whole day
very sleepy..hahahaha...

So, wanna end it up here...mayb will edit ltr..
i mean tomoro..hahahaha...wanna go rest now..
hee..tomoro 7.30p.m. goin back melaka..
bought the ticket ad..^o^


p.s..sigh...tired like hell...

Welcome ♥
Hello people! Enjoy your stay :)

Leave your footsteps..